Episode 59: out with the old, in with the knitting!

Thumbnail for The Crimson Stitchery knitting video showing a woman standing on a sofa holding up a large, colourful handknitted blanket, and text reading New Year More Knitting

Happy new year 2023! Thanks for being with me, and happy knitting! I filmed this episode of my studio vlog (AKA knitting podcast) just before I had to rush out the door to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and it’s a bubbly and reflective one. I had the flu over December which was rotten, but it […]

All by hand: when knitting resembles quilting and stitching

A mature silver haired woman holding the ribbed collar of a hand knit dickey

In my knitting life, I frequently find myself gravitating towards the simple kind of textured stitch patterns which can be formed using just the knit and purl stitch, and perhaps with an occasional twisted stitch dotted about. To my mind, far more interest in silhouette, shape and form can be achieved when the surface texture […]

Episode 57: crochet for tired brain+ preserving early autumn!

Thumbnail for The Crimson Stitchery knitting video podcast featuring a woman wearing a teal handknitted cardigan and holding a pile of knitting, and text reading 'crochet and knit to relax'

Autumn nights have made me pretty creative, as I hide indoors with crochet, knitting, and preserving! In this episode of my studio vlog, I share recent projects and update you on my artist residency. I’ve developed my textile research at Kew Gardens Archive through looking through their records of 19th century plant collecting across East […]

10 Best London Yarn Shops for Knitting & Crochet

London is a haven for knitters! You can find a diverse array of yarn shops here, from neighbourhood local yarn shops, chi-chi boutiques, educational workshops run by artists, and haberdashery sections of department stores. There really is something for every type of knitter, and options can be found to suit a range of budgets. Here […]

10 favourite sock yarns for perfect handknitted socks

Thumbnail for a video about top 10 recommended sock yarns, showing a woman smiling and a pair of hand knit socks

Sock yarn is amazing, but with so many colours, brands and types out there, it can be hard to decide which one to cast on! When I first contemplated knitting socks, I found the sheer range of options available completely overwhelming. I also soon realised that even the recommended yarns in some knitting patterns, books […]

Episode 56: rum & knitting plants

Thumbnail for knitting podcast episode 56, showing a woman smiling holding a red knitting project and wearing a black knitted bamboo vest

Do you like plant yarns? I’ve been knitting bamboo, cotton and ramie yarns in my recent projects – and I’ve learnt so much! In this episode of my knitting podcast, I share recent summer knitting projects, and the different fabric characteristics of plant fibres. I’m doing an artist residency and research placement at the botanical […]

Episode 55: summer knits, bobbles & yokes!

Thumbnail for knitting podcast episode 55, showing a smiling woman wearing a handknitted yoke sweater

Knitting wins, knitting fails, and everything in-between…This episode of my knitting podcast launches my very first sweater pattern – Sisymbrium! This was a fabulous collaborative project with Black Isle Yarns, a wonderful company in the Scottish highlands creating hand-dyed yarns using natural dyes and local fleeces. I give a glimpse at the design process behind […]

Episode 54: the joy (horror) of beige

Knitting and crochet podcast on Youtube about craft, culture, making & fun modern projects

Alert! When it comes to colour, beige is my vanilla. But is it safe and boring, or a yummy comforting biscuit? In this month’s knitting podcast I’m finding my assumptions challenged as I get weirdly drawn to a colour that makes me look naked…! I’m also enjoying cables! My new hat design for Hudson + […]

Episode 53: just give me simple projects!

Knitting and crochet podcast on Youtube about craft, culture, making & fun modern projects

Life is complicated, knitting doesn’t have to be. In Episode 53 of my knitting podcast I share finished sock knitting, muse on unenjoyable colourwork, and discuss the woes of sewing in the ends of crochet scrap projects. Whilst I’ve continued to be busy tying up loose ends, I’ve found myself wanting to just knit simple, […]