Episode 62: Finishing things, knitting with knowledge of the past

A woman smiling wearing a handknit magenta cardigan, holding a grey shawl with a scalloped border

Shawl, hat, socks…I’ve been finishing old projects, enjoying the Crimson WIPalong, and trying to stay sane whilst I’m in a really intense period trying to finish writing my PhD thesis. I’ve also been watching and reading Anne of Green Gables, an old childhood favourite. Through this, I’ve been thinking about collective approaches to remembering, and […]

Episode 61: finding a knitting sweet spot

Thumbnail image for knitting studio vlog episode 61, showing a woman wearing a grey handknitted sweater, and holding a pair of violet lace socks, with text reading Knitting Sweet Spot

I’m back with a full episode! After the fun of launching the WIPalong in Episode 60, I’ve been cracking down and working on my knitting projects. I chat more about finding those ‘knitting sweet spots’, where you find the perfect combination of yarn and stitch pattern, and it feels like you could knit non-stop. For […]

Episode 60: knitting + crochet + all the wips in the world

A woman wearing a handknitted magenta coloured cardigan, laughing and holding up crochet granny squares

It’s a new year, and I have far too many unfinished projects – help! In this episode of my studio vlog, I do a WIP (works-in-progress) audit, and announce the second edition of the Crimson WIPalong: a community makealong project. (More information about the WIPalong below.) My knitting, crochet and embroidery projects are now in […]

Get exclusive behind-the-scenes updates in the Workshop blog series

A messy creative workspace with sketchbook, laptop, knitting, red yarn, a camera and coffee

Intriguing behind-the-scenes updates will share more about the creative process at The Crimson Stitchery, in a new monthly series on this blog. As a creative, it can be tempting to keep hush about all the work that goes on behind-the-scenes and just spring out at the end with a glorious finished project. Like Cinderella being […]